The future in blue, a day to address the challenges and opportunities of the blue economy

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Thinking Heads, a consulting firm specialized in the positioning and influence of organizations and leaders, will celebrate next Wednesday, May 29, the event “The future in blue: realities and challenges of the blue economy.” The event aims to discuss how the blue economy promotes economic growth from a prism in which the engine of development itself is based on the preservation of marine ecosystems, environmental sustainability and innovation.

In this event that will be held at the Thinking Heads offices in Madrid (Velázquez, 24, 7th floor) starting at 11:00 a.m., top-level experts will participate:

  • Fran Gonzalez, special delegate in the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz, a fiscal institution that has already launched almost a hundred blue economy projects through Incubazul.
  • Ignasi Ferrer, entrepreneur in blue economy projects with extensive experience in senior management in multinational companies, and co-founder of the Ship2B Foundation, focused on advising institutions and companies in the development of marine sustainability initiatives.
  • Maria Galvez, oceanographer and environmentalist with extensive professional experience related to the sustainable blue economy, environment, marine environment and climate change in different areas: academia, business, administration, politics and NGOs. Likewise, she is founder and CEO of Smart Blue.
  • Javier Goyeneche, CEO and founder of Ecoalf, sustainable fashion brand made with recycled products. A reference in the sustainable field, it bases its business policy on innovation and research to generate business opportunities but by doing things differently.
  • Isabel Artime, General Secretary of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
  • Javier Garat, general secretary of Cepesca and president of the Blue Economic Commission of CEOE, whose objectives are to highlight and promote this economic sector and its associated activities in Spain, improving its knowledge by society.
  • David Gómez-Ullate, Head of Faculty en School of Science and Technology de IE University. CEO of Canonical Green, seeks the optimization of maritime routes with oceanographic and meteorological information in real time through its Green Navigation project.

The meeting will highlight how to lead “blue thinking”, the transformation of the fishing sector towards the blue economy, the blue economy in tax areas, public-private collaboration in the creation of blue wealth, as well as the challenges of the economy blue for industry and services related to the sea. You can attend with prior registration.

Sobre Thinking Heads
Thinking Heads consultancy specialized in the positioning and influence of organizations and leaders. After leading the conference sector for years, as one of the best international speakers bureau, Thinking Heads evolved into a consulting model. Currently, the company develops its activity through five areas of specialization that allow it to offer an integrated service for building corporate reputation: Corporate Communication, Political Intelligence and Public Affairs, Leadership, Data Intelligence, and Expert Management. It operates from Madrid, Miami and Seoul.