“The mentoring and expert system promotes acceleration, confidence, and team learning.” Interview with Aquiestero.com

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Aquiestero.com at Incubazul headquarters
Aquiestero.com is one of the companies that are part of IncubAzul. They came as finalists of the Ocean Hackathon 2020 and they are making the most of the experience. Esther Puertas Cristobal is responsible for Institutional Relations and communication. Here they tell us about their project and experience at Incubazul. With them we open the interviews to our incubated companies.

What is your role within the company?

Coordination of all communication actions, strategic communication and interaction with other elements of the ecosystem and the institutional network

What does your value proposition consist of?

There is an incipient and growing cultural and leisure offer developed in natural spaces. These are linked to the masses of fresh and salt water and do not find sufficient visibility for the market of people interested in blue tourism. The bidding companies do not get enough traction to consolidate their activities. And the public does not find the channels to access the places on offer in a comfortable, easy and safe way. And this is what we aim at Aquiestero.com

How does your solution contribute to the sustainability of marine resources?

We are developing a web platform that serves to offer and buy, depending on the role, tourist and leisure activities. And all this quickly, reliably and safely. It is about knowing, valuing and preserving the environment of the Bay, with its traditional estuaries, thanks to a calm, sustainable exploitation. In this way, its maintenance and persistence is allowed through the enhancement of the spaces and activities that are held.

What aspects differentiate you from your competition?

In the aquaculture and tourism sector there is little competition, since some companies have their website where they make their products visible, but very few have an online ticketing service. Precisely, our objective is the promotion and commercialization of sustainable tourism and leisure activities carried out in natural areas of the coast. This is aquiestero.com, which demonstrates the need for this service in the aquaculture sector, which in turn fosters partnerships and the Estero brand.

How do you think technology helps to enhance your solution?

Technology is the basis of the Aquiestero.com project. Currently, more than 90% of the aquaculture companies in Andalusia do not have the possibility of reserving online the participation in the leisure activities and blue tourism that they offer. There is already a regulation that regulates aquaculture tourism in Andalusia, which opens up a universe of new possibilities for companies in the sector. In the recent past, from the legislation approved in 2017, it is when the interest of the fishing sector in developing these activities begins to materialize in Andalusia. It is a complement to its main activity, with the authorization of the tourist use of certain fish markets through the favorable report of the Fisheries Administration, or with the authorization to carry out the activity of fishing-tourism by some vessels, in application of Law 3/2001, of March 26, on State Maritime Fishing.

Have you come into contact with potential clients?

Yes. We have made a presentation to the companies that are leading this offer of services in the province of Cádiz. This has been thanks to the support of ASEMA (Association of Marine Aquaculture Companies of Andalusia) and CTAQUA (Technological Center for Aquaculture). These companies are interested in reaching a collaboration agreement to start selling their products and/or services.

How did you find out about the Incubazul acceleration program?

Thanks to our participation in the I and II Hackathon 2020 and 2021 organized in Cádiz focused on the blue economy sector

How is the experience of Aquiestero.com in Incubazul?

The experience is being very enriching. The program, which is adjusted to the needs of the participants, is allowing us to move forward with the flexibility and pace that our team requires.

What areas of mentoring do you think can bring you more value?

Mentors do an important job of advising and accompanying. The system of periodic tutorials and the great variety of experts with experience in different areas of the company to whom you can consult doubts, promotes the acceleration, confidence and learning of the project team

¿What would you say to other entrepreneurs who want to launch their project based on the blue economy?

That the incubator is an opportunity for collaborative learning and networking, which offers both great facilities and training programs as well as the experience of experts from the business sector who will accompany you in starting up your project.

If you are interested in us accompanying you to take your project to the next level, Present your project.

This High Technology Incubator project for the promotion and encouragement of innovation and technology transfer to micro-SMEs in the Blue Economy sector In Andalucia “[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE – INCUBAZULthrough the INCYDE Foundation, It is financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund within the Pluriregional Operational Program from Spain FEATHER 2014-2020 AFTER. “A way of making Europe” within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3ª Fostering entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.