The Cádiz Free Trade Zone incubator reaches 80 Blue Economy companies in its acceleration program

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Incubazul incorporates seventeen new startups through the permanent call opened last July, seven of them authorized by the last executive committee of the Consortium held today

The delegate of the Free Trade Zone, Fran González, has highlighted that Incubazul has created an ideal ecosystem and the work is focused on ensuring that no innovative idea is left without a response or evaluation.

The Cádiz Free Trade Zone implements with Incubazul a project that is already considered a benchmark in the Blue Economy throughout Spain

Incubazul has 80% co-financing from the European FEDER Funds within the 2014-2020 Operational Program, A way of making Europe, through the INCYDE Foundation

Seven new business projects have joined the Blue Economy technological incubator, Incubazul, after the last Executive Committee of the Consortium held today has authorized their entry into the comprehensive acceleration program opened by the High Technology in Blue Economy incubator.

Since last July, when the call for permanent access was opened, there have been 17 emerging companies that have joined Incubazul for incubation and acceleration.

These innovative startups access Incubazul, where companies are already working, mostly from the province of Cádiz, but also from different places in Andalusia and the rest of Spain. All present concepts and services with a technological base for application in the multiple subsectors covered by the Blue Economy: marine bioresources, coastal tourism, maritime navigation, blue biotechnology or marine aquatic products, among others.

For the State delegate in the Cádiz Free Trade Zone, Fran González, “the fact that 80 projects have accessed the Incubazul acceleration program fills us with satisfaction since it means that the entrepreneurs believe in us. To this we must add as an important fact that a third of the startups are already billing and 31.8% are already working in the minimum viable product (MVP) phase,” he pointed out.

“With Incubazul we have created an ideal ecosystem so that no innovative idea is left in limbo, so that everyone has the opportunity to launch their initiative. In Cádiz and Andalusia there is a lot of talent and we intend for that talent to come to light,” he stated.

With this new incorporation of 17 startups to the Blue Economy technological incubator of the Zona Base Cádiz project, the set objective of 80 companies incubated in 2023 is reached. They join those incorporated in the four previous calls in April 2022 (8 startups) , October 2022 (15 startups), February 2023 (23 startups) and July 2023 (17 startups).


Commitment to sustainability and efficiency

_emptyLast July, the Cádiz Free Trade Zone Consortium opened a permanent call for the entry of new technological business projects linked to the Blue Economy. The latest companies that have agreed are United Families, OnlyPez, Medartsal, Macaon, Komo Local Foods, App Venta de Experiences, Abell Pharma. All of these companies work in the field of the Blue Economy, combining the use of marine resources and innovation with sustainability and the environment.

United Families is a project that is based on the development of an online school in which to disseminate its educational system, which combines sea survival techniques with the practice of water sports. At the same time, the initiative proposes the development of events and centers where this system can be applied.

OnlyPez is a biotechnological startup that works with Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA) technology, an approach that optimizes the interaction between different marine species to create a sustainable and efficient system. The objective is the breeding of species that complement each other by imitating their natural ecosystem in a controlled way.

Medatarsal is a technology that translates into different solutions to promote the development and conservation of salt marshes, from systems for control and sustainable use of water, to promotion of tourism through digital and virtual reality platforms.

Macaon Ideas Immersivas & inclusive is a technological project that aims, in its first line of business, to digitalize tourism with tools such as Artificial Intelligence. Already in its second line, it aims to monitor large cetaceans in danger of extinction in areas such as the Strait of Gibraltar. It entails the digitalization of tourist experiences and in the second case the software for monitoring marine species.

Komo Local Foods is based on an online sales platform for local products that aims to provide support and visibility to small business owners and producers. Any producer could participate in the aforementioned platform, benefiting from more convenient marketing and reaching a larger audience.

App Sales of Experiences, a coastal tourism startup, uses an online platform for the sale of experiences that aims to accommodate small business owners in the province. The product would be this platform in which any service company could participate by sharing its offer of tourist experiences.

Abell Pharma is a project that is based on the tools necessary in product research. Subsequently, they market a medicine based on natural components extracted from the sea and are distributed nationally and internationally.

The Cádiz Free Trade Zone implements with Incubazul a project that is already considered a benchmark in the Blue Economy throughout Spain and in which the circumstances are conducive to attracting and promoting talent and ideas with the oceans and seas as the main focus.

Incubazul has the support of the European Union that co-finances it, through the Incyde Foundation, of the Chambers of Commerce of Spain, 80% by the FEDER within the Plurirregional Operational Program 2014-2020 within axis 3: Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies and the 3rd investment priority Promotion of entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.