The welcome day for the incubated kicks off the Incubazul acceleration program

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Today the first event of the Blue Economy incubator ecosystem was held in the Heracles building of the fiscal precinct, in which the startups that have accessed the program in this first phase and the tres projects that were already incubating


The Area Delegate Franca, Fran González, welcomed the attendees and thanked the incubators, mentors and organizers for their participation

The event was also attended by Inés Oliveira, Global Head of Telefónica Open Innovation; Natalia Vázquez, director of Feder Projects of the Incyde Foundation; and Pilo Martín, Public Speaking Mentor at Telefónica Open Future


The meeting has served to publicly present the initiatives that have been selected and expose the experience of the startups that are already hosted in Incubazul

Incubazul is co-financed by the European FEDER Funds within the 2014-2020 Operational Program, A way of making Europe, through the INCYDE Foundation

Cádiz, Tuesday, April 5, 2022


The acceleration program of Incubazul, the Blue Economy incubator that develops the Cadiz Free Trade Zone co-financed by Feder Funds, began today with the welcome day held in the auditorium of the Heracles building in the tax area in which The six startups that have agreed to the incubation in this first recruitment period and the three that were already housed in the incubator, as well as all the mentors, organizers and technical team, among others, that make up the Incubazul ecosystem have been cited.

The State delegate in the Cadiz Free Zone, Fran González, has welcomed the initiatives that become part of Incubazul and has thanked them for their participation in this project with which "we intend to bring to light all the potential and talent existing innovator in the province of Cádiz in a field such as the blue economy, with great prospects for the future, even more so in this land bathed by two seas”.

Fran González encouraged anyone who thinks that their idea fits within these parameters, very broad due to their transversality, to present themselves in the following phases because "we still have a lot of talent to discover". The person in charge of the Free Zone added that the industrial model of the Free Zone is turning towards a sustainable industry, respectful of the environment and future generations and what better way to take advantage of the resources that our sea offers us”.

Also participating in the opening ceremony of the acceleration program were the Global Head of Telefónica Open Innovation, Inés Oliveira; the director of Feder Projects of the Incyde Foundation, Natalia Vázquez; the Oratory mentor of Telefónica Open Future, Pilo Martín; and the coordinator of Incubazul and chief of staff of the Cádiz Free Trade Zone, Taite Cortés.

After the Executive Committee of the Consortium held last Thursday that validated the decision of the evaluation team, the six new innovative projects that have become part of the acceleration process in this first period (Bacht) were announced. The selected projects are: Futuralga, Home+, M&Hayka, Welogsea, Your sustainable destination and Smart Shipping. All of them represent technology-based concepts and services that can be applied in the multiple subsectors covered by the Blue Economy: from the manufacture of biodegradable and compostable disposable containers made from seaweed; the treatment of urban and industrial waste without emissions; blue tourism; fuel savings in navigation; engineering and architectural design; or the application of social networks to nautical services, among other subsectors.

These six new projects join the technological incubator ecosystem of the Cádiz Base Zone project and in which projects such as Trahspeak, a startup that manufactures surfboards from recycled plastic collected on the coast, are already working; Productos La Salá, which treats and markets fresh salicornia, also known as sea asparagus, and various products through the production processes of this plant; and Zero Risk, which provides technological solutions connected to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to blue tourism.

The team of mentors and advisors that make up the ecosystem of the Cádiz Free Trade Zone incubator, which has the support of Telefónica Open Innovation, will help the incubated projects with a training plan and personalized work to boost the business, offering support legal, marketing, branding, presentation of the idea, internationalization, search for financing channels to guarantee the viability of the startup, access to own or third-party research infrastructures or provision of services that facilitate the day-to-day running of the startup, together with with networking sessions and conferences aimed at establishing contacts between the different interest groups associated with them.

The Incubazul High-Tech Incubator is a project that was born thanks to the support of the European Union, which co-finances it, through the INCYDE Foundation, 80% by the ERDF within the 2014-2020 Multi-regional Operational Program within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3a Fostering entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through nurseries.

The call to become part of Incubazul is permanently open and all interested parties can register and obtain all the information through the web