Cádiz Free Trade Zone positions its projects in Madrid with the help of the Spanish Maritime Cluster

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Aerial view of the Free ZoneThe Consortium delegate, Fran González, presents the Blue Economy and innovative and sustainable industry strategy to institutions and companies in the sector on Wednesday.

Under the title “Free Zone and Blue Economy: the redefinition of the industry in Cádiz”, González will explain the work that is being developed to convert the province of Cádiz into the great hub of the sector in Spain

The Cádiz Free Trade Zone will be in Madrid on Wednesday to present to the business and institutional community the projects that the Consortium is carrying out and the new industry 4.0 model that it is implementing in the province of Cádiz, from a perspective of sustainability, innovation and commitment to the environment with the Blue Economy as the central axis.

The event is part of a breakfast organized by the Spanish Maritime Cluster at the Real Casino in Madrid, which will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will be attended by a large business representation, as well as representatives of different institutions and authorities that the Cluster has convened. to participate in a working breakfast.

Fran González will present the enormous potential of the province of Cádiz, which has a consolidated ecosystem in the field of the green and blue economy and with a Free Trade Zone that is leading the new industry 4.0 model, innovative, sustainable and committed to the environment . Entities such as the University of Cádiz, with its Faculty of Marine Sciences and the CEI-Mar, and the Naval Maritime Cluster of Cádiz, among others, form an ideal scenario for the development of projects linked to innovation and the Blue Economy.

It must be remembered that since last month, the Cádiz Free Trade Zone has been a member of the Spanish Maritime Cluster, an organization that brings together all the industries, services and economic activities of our country related to the sea and that seeks to establish allies for collaboration and cooperation between all those Spanish activities linked to the sea.

This incorporation into the entity allows the Cádiz Free Trade Zone to enrich the ecosystem of its new industry 4.0 model since activities such as maritime transport have a place in the Spanish Maritime Cluster; shipbuilding and repair; maritime engineering and auxiliary industry; extractive fishing and marine aquaculture; the recreational nautical industry, marinas and marinas; energies of marine origin; the army; ports and port services; maritime services, as well as regional clusters; marine research; the agents of the R&D&i system; training organizations; unions and professional associations; culture, heritage and social well-being.

The president of the Spanish Maritime Cluster and general secretary of the Spanish Fisheries Confederation (CEPESCA), Javier Garat, personally visited the Cádiz Fiscal Precinct in December, taking a special interest in the projects related to the Blue Economy and the 80 startups housed in Incubazul.