Zona Franca presents to the City Council the urbanization and reparcelling projects of the land of the outer polygon where the Cádiz Base Zone will be located

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In this way, the Consortium continues with the progress of the urban planning process only three days after the definitive approval by the Cádiz City Council of the detailed study of the execution unit that affects the project.

The registration of the urbanization project, drawn up by the company Técnicas Gades S.L., will allow these works to be put out to tender in the coming weeks, with a planned investment of 756,087 euros (VAT not included).

In parallel, the basic and execution project for the Base Zone is being finalized by architect Carlos Peinado, from Carquero Arquitectura

La Zona Franca de Cádiz presentó el martes por registro en el Ayuntamiento de Cádiz el proyecto de reparcelación y ayer el proyecto de urbanización de la unidad de ejecución segregada UE-ZF-08-A en la que se ubicará el centro de innovación y expansión tecnológica Zona Base Cádiz.

The Consortium thus continues without delay with the calendar of milestones for the development of this action, once last Friday the Plenary Session of the City Council unanimously approved the division of the unit and the detailed study presented by Zona Franca to the development of these lands, which are their property and which have a strategic nature within the drive to reorganize the exterior polygon.

Concretamente, la unidad de ejecución segregada UE-ZF-08-A corresponde a la que perteneció a la antigua Ibérica AGA y en su suelo se va a desarrollar el proyecto de Zona Base, un espacio tecnológico con estructura modular con contenedores marítimos que en su primera fase incluye la puesta en marcha de una incubadora de alta tecnología basada en la Economía Azul y que está subvencionada con fondos europeos en el Marco del Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020, “Una manera de hacer Europa” a través de la Fundación Incyde de las Cámaras de Comercio.

The urbanization project, which has been drafted by the company Técnicas Gades S.L., defines the treatment of roads according to the guidelines of the Urbanization Ordinance in terms of design criteria, materials, trees and street furniture, among others, which must be met. the urbanization works, which will act on an area of ​​7,091 m2.

Within the schedule of actions planned by the Consortium, it is planned to put out to tender these urbanization works in the coming weeks, with a planned investment of 756,087 euros (VAT not included). In parallel, the basic and execution projects for the Cádiz Base Zone are also being finalized, awarded last December to architect Carlos Peinado Madueño, from the Carquero Arquitectura studio.

It must be remembered that the implementation of the Zona Base project and its Blue Economy incubator represent a starting point for the global planning and development of the outer polygon and is requiring from the beginning a complex urban planning process that Zona Franca is promoting in collaboration with the City Council, with which there is a permanent dialogue and with which a collaboration agreement was signed last October which included the streamlining of the necessary procedures and procedures with the aim that these actions can serve as a stimulus and model for the integral rearrangement of the exterior polygon.

Along these lines, the Cádiz Base Zone project and its Blue Economy incubator were born to attract industry 4.0. and generate a space of opportunity for Cádiz talent. Thus, the Consortium is committed to a sustainable economic model and respect for the environment that connects all the marine potential of our province with new business strategies that generate wealth and employment.