I Hackaton Azul Incubazul

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The winning team will receive a prize to accelerate their project in Incubazul.

From Zona Franca de Cádiz-Incubazul we want to invite you to participate in the “I Hackaton Azul Incubazul” .
This event will take place on December 12 and 13 and It is specially designed for students with initiatives in the Blue Economy.
The winning team will receive a prize to accelerate their project in our incubator.
You can now reserve the date for the I Hackaton Incubazul that we will celebrate on December 12 and 13 at the Incubazul Agora. An event in which you will be able to meet more people from your same sector while using all your knowledge, learning from the rest of the participants, to make your team the winner of this Hackathon.
The themes of the challenges will be: Marine Sciences; Navigation and diving; Object detection; Pollution; y Fuel savings in navigation
In this edition, each team will develop their project for two days, being able to count on the advice of different mentors in the areas of Business Model, Oceanography, Technology and Communication. All the teams will fight against all until there is only one left, which will emerge as the winner of this Hackathon.
The winning team will receive a prize to accelerate their project in Incubazul.
It will be organized by Incubazul in collaboration with the Cádiz Free Zone Consortium, with the collaboration of the Cádiz Maritime Naval Cluster. It has the support of Telefónica”.
To participate it is only necessary sign up for free here

Agenda Hackaton Incubazul

Monday December 12. Morning and afternoon.

Presentation of the dynamics and presentation of mentors who will support the projects.

Presentation of challenges and team building.

Work in teams autonomously with the accompaniment of mentors.

Tuesday December 13. De 10 a 12h.

Presentation of projects before the jury. The jury will be made up of a series of professionals from the sector.

This High Technology Incubator Project for the promotion of innovation and technology transfer to microSMEs in the blue economy sector in Andalusia “[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE – INCUBAZUL 2.0” is 80% financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain FEDER 2014-2020 OP. “A way of making Europe” within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3 Promotion of entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.”