Incubazul finds its ideal ecosystem in Innovazul

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Incubazul is a project that has the vocation of generating, developing and promoting ideas that contribute to the sustainability of a resource as necessary as the marine environment, drawing on everything that it contributes to today's society from a Circular Economy approach and commitment to environment.

And as such, it shares very similar principles with the II International Meeting on Knowledge and Blue Growth, which has been hosted by the Palacio de Congresos de Cádiz from November 29 to December 2, organized by the University of Cádiz. A meeting in which Incubazul has found its ideal ecosystem

Throughout four days, Cádiz has added more points to become the European capital of the Blue Economy and the figures have accompanied it: 2140 participants between professionals, researchers and students.

A stream of people related to the Blue Economy sector who have also been able to find in Incubazul a reference for the present and the future.

The High Technology Incubator has spread throughout different parts of the exhibition. On the one hand through the stand, with a privileged location among the 61 exhibitors, attended by Zona Franca-Incubazul staff and with the support of Telefónica, and the presence of startups incubated in the coworking space. On the other, in a multitude of rooms for presentations and conferences with the institutional representation of the State delegate in the Free Zone, Fran González in numerous discussion tables and a broad representation of the 23 Incubazul initiatives in the different forums.

The presence of Gunter Pauli, considered the father of the Blue Economy, was one of the greatest attractions of the meeting and his intervention garnered unanimous support from the sector. The Incubazul La Salá startup became the protagonist of the conference, as Pauli alluded to its manager, Susana Martínez, and its product, salicornia, as an example of the "healthy future that the Blue Economy will mean."

The University of Cádiz in its balance sheet advanced its interest in preparing a document that will be the Blue Declaration of Cádiz and which aims to define the roadmap of the Blue Economy in the future.

Representation of the 23 incubated projects

There were many initiatives hosted at Incubazul that were able to disseminate and promote their projects at the Palacio de Congresos de Cádiz.

The Spinazul Summit and other venues saw many Incubazul startups pass by. Acuaponia XXI exhibited its environmental complex to disseminate the aquaponic system and Skintunafish disseminated its business idea of ​​using tuna skin to create new and original products.

On the other hand, TrashPeak surprised again with its commitment to manufacture ecological and sustainable surfboards from recycled plastics.

Buceo Conciencia, presenting its certifying agency for marine biology courses within the framework of recreational diving, Matersia, its UCA and US project to market materials and launch lines of research, Welogsea, a company to connect services among sea lovers

Lastly, they also disseminated their initiatives Sendatribe, Tu Destino Sostenible, Smart Shipping and La Salá and thus completed the varied poster of Incubazul entrepreneurship in Innovazul.

If the objective announced by those responsible for making the meeting biannual is met, in 2024 Incubazul could once again find the best possible showcase at Innovazul.

If you also want to be one of the accelerated companies in incubazul, you have time to register for the 3rd call

This High Technology Incubator Project for the promotion of innovation and technology transfer to microSMEs in the blue economy sector in Andalusia “[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE – INCUBAZUL 2.0” is 80% financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain FEDER 2014-2020 OP. “A way of making Europe” within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3 Promotion of entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.”