Incubazul will have the potential of Telefónica to incubate and support blue economy projects

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The executive committee of the Consortium held today has awarded the company the tender to boost and promote the growth of the projects hosted by Incubazul, among other tasks

Base Zone, where the incubator will be located, will be a space for innovation and expansionn tecnollogic and reference in the development of the polioutside area of ​​the Free Zone

The Incubazul High Technology incubator will have the potential of Telefónica for the management and revitalization of the acceleration system for projects that are selected to be housed in this center linked to the blue economy. In this way, the experience and trajectory of the technology company will be available to fully develop the consultancy, mentoring and internationalization processes of the companies that attend this incubation, which will mean an important alliance and added value to the function of this project, which will be located in the Base Zone, in the outer estate of the Cádiz Free Trade Zone and which is subsidized by Feder Funds through the Incyde Foundation.

This has been ratified by the Executive Committee of the Consortium meeting today, which has approved the award to this company of the open tender to carry out specialized technical assistance and carry out the necessary actions so that the indicators and objectives established in the Blue Economy High Technology Incubator project.

According to the terms of the contest, to which five offers have been submitted, Telefónica will provide its specialized technical assistance services and the different actions necessary to develop the acceleration program for the projects incubated in Incubazul in order to contribute to the creation and consolidation of new companies linked to the blue economy and to the new industrial model of sustainability and environmental commitment that the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz is developing.

In this context, Telefónica will be in charge of promoting the growth of those incubated through tutoring, mentoring, training, networking and support and advice for internationalization and access to financing.

Telefónica's management will include the revitalization of the activity of the Base Zone's high-tech incubator and will develop activities to attract talent and business projects, in addition to caring for and consolidating the ecosystem that will form part of Incubazul.

The State delegate in the Free Trade Zone, Fran González, has highly valued this new step in the development of Incubazul since "Telefónica's specialization in this type of action will provide us with significant added value in the start-up of the incubator and will offer highly qualified benefits to those incubated”.

“This collaboration with Telefónica will contribute to making the Base Zone and its blue economy incubator a true reference center in the blue economy, a model to follow in sustainable industry and commitment to the future in the city of Cádiz, along the lines that we are printing in all our projects and equipment”, he explained.

Fran González has added that the concept of sustainability in this project is even applied to the building itself since "the construction in which the incubator is housed will be made up of recycled maritime containers, which have a useful life of 10 to 15 years, and linked to the sea. This project is a completely different concept from traditional industry, with green spaces and energy that comes from the photovoltaic roof”.

Meanwhile, the process for the tender for the work continues. Zona Franca has recently obtained the initial approval by the Cádiz City Council of the subdivision project of the execution unit UE-ZF-08-A, where the Base Zone is located. This is an important step in the process as it allows the Consortium to continue advancing in the project while the final documents arrive.

The Cádiz Base Zone project and its blue economy incubator were born to attract industry 4.0. and generate a space of opportunity for talent from Cadiz. Thus, the Consortium is committed to a model of sustainable economy and responsible use of natural resources that connects all the marine potential of our province with new business strategies that generate wealth and employment.