Incubazul is ranked first in Andalusia in the 2024 Ranking of the Savings Bank Foundation (Funcas)

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Blue Forum incubazulThe Cádiz Free Trade Zone incubator also occupies an important place in the global list of advanced business incubators and in the pre-incubation ranking.

The study analyzes in detail the national ecosystem and identifies the best practices in incubators and accelerators of companies recognized as leaders in the sector.

The Blue Economy incubator of the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz, Incubazul, occupies a prominent position in the 2024 Ranking of incubators, incubators and business accelerators prepared by the Savings Bank Foundation (Funcas), where it is placed in the first position of Andalusia, which includes the most valued business accelerators in the autonomous community. The Cádiz incubator is followed in second place by the Municipal Business Incubator of Alhaurín de la Torre (Malaga); the Municipal Center for Business Initiatives of Granada, in third place; Marie Curie Tecnoincubator of Seville, in fourth place; and the Chamber Companies Nursery of Andújar (Jaén).

In the work, almost 500 active nurseries have been registered throughout Spain and the Ranking has been prepared based on 91 of these, which have finally been used to prepare the ranking. The highest concentration occurs in Catalonia with almost a fifth, in second place, we find the autonomous communities of Valencia, Madrid, Andalusia and Galicia.

Incubazul, which already enjoys recognized prestige in Andalusia with obtaining the Proa Award from the Andalusian Maritime Cluster and its presence in different national forums, has also had a prominent position in the global ranking of advanced business incubators 2024/2025, those that They are valued as having the greatest quantity and quality in their services, a list in which they occupy position number 20.

The Cádiz Free Trade Zone incubator also deserves special mention in the pre-incubation ranking, where it is in ninth place. The pre-incubation phase is the one in which the accelerator makes technical support and tools available to the entrepreneur within the framework of the acceleration program and provides a valuable guide for the entrepreneur, when he is seeking to outline his business idea, define his business model and validate it in the market.

The State delegate in the Cádiz Free Trade Zone, Fran González, has highlighted the important role that Incubazul is playing “in bringing to light the enormous talent that exists in the province of Cádiz and throughout Andalusia. “We are working for a new model of an innovative, sustainable industry committed to the environment, which attracts and captures technological projects linked to the Blue Economy, with an acceleration program and a rich ecosystem that has already earned different recognitions.”

The Funcas Ranking focuses on research and analysis of business incubators and accelerators, but they also have a special mention of other programs that meet similar business promotion objectives.

The study provides guidelines for various actors within the national business ecosystem, identifying best practices in establishing business incubators and accelerators, recognized as leaders in the sector. The annual editions of these reports are designed to motivate business incubators and accelerators to constantly improve their resources to support the business plan, with the expectation that this will result in the generation of more employment.