The company Díaz Cubero will build the blue economy incubator of the Free Zone Base Zone

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The company has been awarded the contract for an amount of 2,311,687.48 euros (VAT not included) and a period of 14 months from obtaining the building license

The Free Zone of Cádiz has awarded the work of the blue economy incubator of the Base Zone, Incubazul, to the company Díaz Cubero, which will carry out the construction work of the emblematic marine container building with a budget of 2,311,687.48 euros (VAT not included) and an execution period of 14 months from the date of obtaining the corresponding license.

The Executive Committee of the Cadiz institution approved at its last meeting held this week the award of the works, which are going to be carried out in the UE-ZF-08-A of the exterior polygon of the Zona Franca, in the old plot of Iberian Aga.

Four companies have applied for the construction of the headquarters of the high-tech incubator in the blue economy, Incubazul, an innovative space for entrepreneurship and technological expansion that will be built on the plot of the old Ibérica Aga in the exterior industrial area of the Free Zone. It is an emblematic building made up of recycled shipping containers with a groundbreaking aesthetic that wants to break the dynamics of industrial construction in Cádiz. Both the building and the Incubazul business incubation and acceleration program are financed by European funds within the Framework of the Andalusian FEDER Operational Program 2014-2020, "A way to make Europe" through the Incyde Foundation of the Chambers of Trade.

The building whose works have been awarded has been designed by the Cadiz architect Carlos Peinado, from the Carquero Arquitectura studio, who has thought of it as a reference center that will be a catalyst for the entire industrial area of ​​the Cadiz capital and a model to follow in sustainable industry.

The innovative property will have a total constructed area of ​​1,951.33 m2 and 1,415.73 of terraces and free spaces and is made up of three stories in height, in addition to the ground floor. All floors will have terraces and free spaces and the ground floor includes coworking, training rooms, a cafeteria and bicycle parking, as well as surface parking on the same plot. Seven offices are planned on the first floor and thirteen on the second. The third floor is proposed with spaces for management, meeting rooms, facilities and a technological laboratory.

The Cádiz Base Zone project and its blue economy incubator were born to attract industry 4.0. and generate a space of opportunity for Cadiz talent, promoting entrepreneurship and job diversification in the city, the Bay and the province. Thus, the Consortium is committed to a model of sustainable economy and respect for the environment that connects all the marine potential of our province with new business strategies that generate wealth and employment.

incubation model

While the definitive headquarters of Incubazul arrives, the incubator has started its support program for technology-based companies in a provisional headquarters in the Melkart Building and will soon move to larger ones in the Europa Building, both dependencies of the Free Zone. Thus, the incubator is now fully operational, offering a complete and personalized business acceleration program for which Zona Franca has the experience and methodology of Telefónica, as the company in charge of driving the incubator, thanks to its experience at Telefónica OpenFuture.

In fact, the call for the incorporation of ideas and companies to the incubation program was recently opened, in such a way that there are already eight projects that are currently incubated, after the incorporation of five: Futuralga, Home+, Welogsea, Your destiny sustainable and Smart Shipping. All of them represent technology-based concepts and services that can be applied in the multiple subsectors covered by the Blue Economy: from the manufacture of biodegradable and compostable disposable containers made from seaweed; the treatment of urban and industrial waste without emissions; blue tourism; fuel savings in navigation; engineering and architectural design; or the application of social networks to nautical services, among other subsectors.

These five new projects join the technological incubator ecosystem of the Cádiz Base Zone project and in which projects such as Trahspeak, a startup that manufactures surfboards from recycled plastic collected on the coast, are already working; Productos La Salá, which treats and markets fresh salicornia, also known as sea asparagus, and various products through the production processes of this plant; and Zero Risk, which provides technological solutions connected to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to blue tourism.