Free Trade Zone of Cádiz unveils Incubazul at the Climate Action Sevilla Summit

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The delegate of the Free Zone, Fran González, has participated today in the first day of this forum on green and blue economy with several meetings with companies in the sector to share synergies with the incubator of the Cadiz Consortium

A monographic stand in the exhibition area will introduce the sector to Incubazul's specialized acceleration program, which uses the Telefónica Open Future methodology

Incubazul is a start-up incubator that is financed thanks to the European ERDF Funds within the 2014-2020 Operational Program, A way of making Europe, through the INCYDE Foundation

The Free Zone of Cádiz presents its high-tech incubator in the blue economy, Incubazul, at the Climate Action Sevilla Summit Green & Blue Economy, a meeting point for all the economic sectors involved in climate restoration that aims to serve as a catalyst for public-private collaboration and the attraction of investments towards the green and blue economy.

The Cadiz Consortium attends what is the only global forum held in Spain dedicated to climate action with a monographic stand that will make it possible to publicize and position the business accelerator that will be housed in the Base Zone and that is already operating in facilities in the Zone Franca in the Cadiz fiscal precinct. It is a project that has the co-financing of the Feder Funds and that aims to be a catalyst for ideas and the promotion of entrepreneurship in the field of the blue economy that positions Cádiz in this area of ​​enormous ecological and economic importance.

The presence of the Free Trade Zone and the incubator at this important meeting not only hopes to spread the initiative and all its potential, but is also an element in the search for opportunities and possible collaborations with other companies and institutions, for which the delegate of the State of the Free Zone of Cádiz, Fran González, has held different meetings with companies in the sector with which he has analyzed the possibility of sharing synergies around the Incubazul ecosystem.

The person in charge of the Cadiz fiscal precinct has highlighted the importance of this type of meeting that has sustainability and the green and blue economies as its epicenter and where they meet key actors of society in sustainable projects against climate change, generating synergies between the participants. "For us, for our incubator, it is an opportunity that leads us to strengthen ties, find models and references and thus enrich our project and our acceleration program with the aim of creating and consolidating companies in the blue economy sector".

This meeting, which is a great opportunity to identify opportunities and promote initiatives against climate change, was opened by the Third Vice President and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Rivera, and featured an interesting program in which both the delegate and the staff of the incubator and the Free Trade Zone have participated. In addition, a stand has been installed in the exhibition area with which it is intended to position the initiative in the specialized field of the blue economy and represents an excellent opportunity to identify projects, and establish collaboration links between the agents of the Climate Action ecosystem: science, technology, companies and institutions, to promote the green and blue economy and sustainable development.

The Free Trade Zone of Cádiz attends the Summit with its blue economy incubator project in full swing with nine companies receiving the benefits of the specialized acceleration offered with the experience of Telefónica, and with its new industrial model underway, an industrial model committed, sustainable and respectful of the environment within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Incubazul is a project that has the vocation to generate, develop and promote, through a business acceleration program, the ideas that contribute to the sustainability of a resource as necessary as the marine one, nurturing itself from everything it contributes to today's society. from a Circular Economy approach and commitment to the environment.

The Incubazul High-Tech Incubator is a project that was born thanks to the support of the European Union, which co-finances it, through the INCYDE Foundation, 80% by the ERDF within the 2014-2020 Multi-regional Operational Program within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3a Fostering entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through nurseries.