The Zona Franca blue economy incubator will rely on Telefónica to provide specialized services to those incubated

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Signature - DEE - Telefónica

The State delegate, Fran González, and the territorial director of the company, Joaquín Segovia, have signed this morning the contract by which the company will be in charge of revitalizing and promoting the growth of the projects hosted at Incubazul

The high-tech incubator is 80% financed by Feder Funds

Incubazul will be housed in Zona Base, a center for innovation and technological expansion located in the outer polygon, which will be a benchmark in originality and sustainability since the building will be made up of recycled shipping containers

Incubazul, the blue economy incubator financed with Feder Funds that is developing the Free Zone, will have the specialization of Telefónica for the growth of incubated projects. This was confirmed this morning by the State delegate in the Free Zone, Fran González, and the general director of Telefónica Territorio Sur, Joaquín Segovia, at the signing of the contract held at the Consortium.

Telefónica will put all its potential into the specialized services that it will offer to Incubazul and which are aimed at the management and revitalization of the acceleration system for projects that are selected to be housed in this center linked to the blue economy, which has 80% financing. of the European Regional Development Fund within the Plurirregional Operative Program of Spain Feder 2014-2020 "A way of making Europe".

According to the signed contract, Telefónica will provide its resources and knowledge to provide specialized technical assistance and execute a set of actions aimed at accelerating and growing the incubated projects so that they become viable companies.

In this way, the projects that access incubation at Incubazul will have the experience and track record of the technology company to receive advice, mentoring and support for internationalization throughout the process, among other services, with the consequent added value that it represents for the projects have the prestige and experience of Telefónica.

Telefónica will provide Zona Franca with the necessary service to boost the growth of incubators, who will also receive training, networking and advice for access to financing, boosting Incubazul's activity through actions aimed at attracting talent and business projects.

Likewise, it will carry out initiatives to consolidate and enrich the ecosystem necessary to develop the activity of the incubator, in order to contribute to the creation and consolidation of new companies linked to the blue economy and the new industrial model of sustainability and environmental commitment that it is developing. the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz.

The total amount of the contract is 990,476.11 euros (VAT included) and covers the provision of services for three years, ending in 2023, and includes items for consulting activities and specialized technical assistance, mentoring, training and activity programs, events and encounters.

It must be remembered that Zona Base will be a center for innovation and technological expansion that is being developed in the outer polygon of the Free Zone and that it will be a benchmark in originality and sustainability since the building will be made up of recycled shipping containers, configuring a versatile space with a novel image that will articulate the connection between the outer polygon of the Free Zone and the rest of the city and will be in line with the new industrial model of the Free Zone, based on sustainability and respect for the environment

The State delegate in the Free Trade Zone, Fran González, has highly valued this new step in the development of Incubazul since "Telefónica's specialization in this type of action will provide us with significant added value in the start-up of the incubator and will offer highly qualified benefits to those incubated”.

“This collaboration with Telefónica will contribute to making Zona Base and its incubator a true reference center in the blue economy, a model to follow in sustainable industry and a commitment to the future in the city of Cádiz, along the lines that we are printing in all our projects and equipment”, he explained.

Fran González has added that the concept of sustainability in this project is even applied to the building itself since "the construction in which the incubator is housed will be made up of recycled maritime containers, which have a useful life of 10 to 15 years, and linked to the sea. This project is a completely different concept from traditional industry, with green spaces and energy that comes from the photovoltaic roof”.

The Cádiz Base Zone project and its blue economy incubator, which is being developed on the old Ibérica Aga plot in the outer polygon of the Free Zone, were created to attract industry 4.0. and generate a space of opportunity for talent from Cádiz. Thus, the Consortium is committed to a model of sustainable economy and responsible use of natural resources that connects all the marine potential of our province with new business strategies that generate wealth and employment.