Incyde's network of high-tech incubators is strengthened with the meeting held in the Free Trade Zone

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The 19 centers from all over Spain that have gathered in Cádiz have strengthened contacts, shared experiences and will continue this type of meeting

Each of the incubators, belonging to diverse sectors such as aquaculture, biotechnology, cybersecurity, water or agri-food, among others, has exposed its trajectory and evolution and the cases of entrepreneurship developed in its facilities

The president of the INCYDE Foundation, José Luis Bonet, has visited the Headquarters of the Consortium and has signed the Book of Honor

Lhe 19 high-tech incubators from the Incyde network that have participated in the 1st Meeting of this type of center held yesterday and today in the Cádiz Free Trade Zone have made a very positive assessment of the conference and have decided to give continuity to these forums that give visibility to entrepreneurship and the work carried out by incubators.

During the two days, held at the Incubazul facilities in the Europa building of the Cadiz tax office, the centers from all over Spain have presented the very positive results that they are achieving in the incubators through the acceleration of the companies that are installed.

Each one of them has exposed the activity they carry out, not only in their territory or geographical area but also internationally (the number of international companies incubated in the network amounts to 25%) and also in their field of action, since They belong to very diverse sectors, a fact that has enriched the meeting space and has made all of them leave with renewed strength by sharing experiences and all have agreed to point out that they have been nourished by ideas that can serve them for the future development of their exercise.

In this sense, they have insisted that the ideas shared and the synergies developed between them have been of great value for the centers themselves and their startups, since "this way of pooling the experience and the work carried out encourages us to continue striving in this work and provides us with new ideas as added value”, they stressed.

The high-tech incubators, for whose start-up Incyde has invested a total of 31.7 million euros co-financed by ERDF funds, are spread throughout the Spanish territory (Extremadura, the Canary Islands, Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Murcia, Galicia, Asturias, Aragon, Catalonia, Castilla y León and Valencia) and are focused on the transfer of technology from strategic sectors worldwide such as astrophysics, biotechnology, aquaculture, cybersecurity, water, sports, health and agri-food, among others.

This first edition of the Meeting of High Technology Incubators was chaired by the president of the INCYDE Foundation, José Luis Bonet, the delegate of the Cádiz Free Trade Zone, Fran González, and the Deputy Director General of Management of the European Regional Development Fund , Anatolio Alonso Pardo, an essential tool in the creation and implementation of this network, through the FEDER funds managed by INCYDE. They were in charge of opening the meeting yesterday and welcoming the attendees.

Natalia Vázquez, director of Feder projects of the Incyde Foundation, spoke during the first day and presented interesting data about the network of incubators and the startups and micro-SMEs incubated in the network's centers.

In this way, the participants have learned global data from the network of incubators that currently houses more than 670 entrepreneurs and micro-SMEs and is expected to reach 2,500 in the next 3 years with a generation of 45,000 direct jobs and an investment of 375 millions of euros.

The project director Feder of Incyde added that in the next 3 years each of the incubated startups will have made an average investment of 150,000 euros, 85,000 of them with their own funds, 15,000 with funds obtained from public subsidies and 50,000 with funds obtained from investments. private.

This morning, Bonet visited the facilities of the Consortium's Headquarters and signed the Book of Honour, accompanied by the delegate Fran González, the president of the Cadiz Chamber of Commerce, Angel Juan Pascual, and the president of the Confederation of Employers of Cadiz (CEC), Javier Sánchez Rojas.

The Congress was also attended by representatives of other institutions such as the Vigo Free Trade Zone, the Barcelona Free Trade Zone, the Cajamar Foundation, the Córdoba City Council, the Salamanca City Council, the Gijón City Council, or the Catholic University of Murcia, among others. . All of them promoters of these infrastructures.

The delegate of the Free Zone of Cádiz, the president of the Spanish Chambers and the Incyde Foundation and the representative of the European Funds, Anatolio Alonso, have closed the meeting and have agreed on the value of the forum and on the importance of giving continuity to the encounters.

The Free Trade Zone delegate, Fran González, was very satisfied with this meeting, which "has brought representatives of the 19 incubators from all over Spain to Cádiz and has made it possible to share important and valuable experiences for all of us who are developing this types of projects.

After thanking Incyde, he alluded to the importance of having the Feder Funds for the support and development of entrepreneurship and invited them to continue with this type of meeting. “It is important that we make it visible that we are all in the same boat, that we work for entrepreneurship and to bring talent to light, that no project remains in a drawer. In addition, with some of the centers we share a transversal scope of action that will surely create very positive synergies”.

José Luis Bonet thanked the Cádiz Free Trade Zone and expressed his satisfaction with what the meeting has represented and declared himself even more encouraged to continue strengthening the network and promoting entrepreneurship.

To conclude, the representative of European Funds has agreed to highlight the value of the meeting and has shown gratitude to the organizers, Fundación INcyde and Zona Franca de Cádiz, because these types of activities are very necessary for the sharing of these projects. and the development of their work.

This High Technology Incubator project for the promotion and encouragement of innovation and technology transfer to micro-SMEs in the Blue Economy sector In Andalucia “[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE – INCUBAZULthrough the INCYDE Foundation, It is financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund within the Pluriregional Operational Program from Spain FEATHER 2014-2020 AFTER. “A way of making Europe” within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3ª Fostering entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.