Incubazul at the South Summit 2022

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Incubazul at the Wayra stand

Incubazul was at the South Summit. The tenth edition of the South Summit, the most relevant entrepreneurship and innovation event on the national scene, and we were there.

In this forum, all the companies, institutions, entities, companies, startups that make up the entrepreneurial ecosystem meet and connect. there was IncubAzul, with a delegation made up of the Free Zone delegate, Fran Gonzalez, and the coordinator of Incubazul, Taite Cortés. They took advantage of the event to hold meetings to continue promoting the initiative.

With José Bayón, CEO of Enisa, the financing lines that this organization has were known first-hand. These are routes specially designed for entrepreneurs and innovative companies. At the meeting, they were talking about the startups that are currently incubating and its lace frame on these lines. And it was agreed that a conference with Enisa technicians will be held in the autumn to bring these lines closer together and see possible beneficiaries of this aid.

Stop in Wayra

The next meeting point was at the stand of Wind. In it, the Incubazul team met with the Telefónica Open Future to update the project by both parties. The actions to continue developing in the incubator were being designed so that companies continue to take advantage of the Open Future model and the synergies that benefit our project. Inés Oliveira and Augustine Moor They acted as hosts during the visit. They presented the extensive program that they presented at the entrepreneurship congress and made proposals for the revitalization of the incubator that we collected and promised to do together.

After a short visit to the Innovation Meetup, also organized by Wayra, we started our way back. We left with the commitment to be part of future editions of this meeting with our Incubator and with our incubated companies, which can show their products at this fair.

This High Technology Incubator project for the promotion and encouragement of innovation and technology transfer to micro-SMEs in the Blue Economy sector In Andalucia “[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE – INCUBAZULthrough the INCYDE Foundation, It is financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund within the Pluriregional Operational Program from Spain FEATHER 2014-2020 AFTER. “A way of making Europe” within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3ª Fostering entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.