Twenty-seven new projects opt for the Incubazul acceleration program

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These initiatives They work to become part of the high-tech incubator of the Cádiz Free Trade Zone during the second call for projects
They are innovative and technology-based ideas from sectors related to the Blue Economy applied to areas such as experiential tourism, swimwear made from recycled marine waste, garments made from tuna skin, or 4G/5G connectivity for boats
The projects will be evaluated by an expert jury that will select those that conform to the bases of the call
Lhe selected initiatives will begin incubation on September 27 and will have the full support of Telefónica's team of mentors, who will develop a personalized work plan for their promotion, growth and consolidation
Incubazul is co-financed by the European FEDER Funds within the 2014-2020 Operational Program, A way of making Europe, through the INCYDE Foundation
It must be remembered that Incubazul will open new periods for attracting projects in January and May 2023

Twenty-seven new projects have chosen to join the Blue Economy technology incubator, Incubazul, through the second call to enter the comprehensive acceleration program, opened by the Cádiz Free Trade Zone, with the support of Telefónica and its Open Future platform .

These innovative ideas that choose to join Incubazul, mostly from the province of Cádiz, but also from different parts of Andalusia and the rest of Spain, present concepts and services with a technological base that can be applied in the multiple subsectors that the Economy covers. Blue: marine bioresources, coastal tourism, maritime navigation, blue biotechnology or marine aquatic products, among others.

All of them intend to join the technological incubator ecosystem of the Cádiz Base Zone project and in which projects such as Welogsea are already working, a connectivity company between lovers of the sea and those who make an adequate journey possible or Sustainable Tudestino that directs its activity to restaurants, accommodation and companies committed to the environment.

The new entry window entails a pre-selection of projects in accordance with the bases of the call. Those who meet them will go to a Pitch Day in which entrepreneurs present their project to an evaluation committee, made up of experts in entrepreneurship and the Blue Economy. The initiatives that pass both milestones will enter into a comprehensive acceleration program through the methodology of Telefónica Open Future, which collaborates in this project.

Once the projects have been evaluated and approved by the aforementioned Committee, the selected projects will begin incubation on September 27, which will last for 4 months in which, with the added value of the tutoring and mentoring of the Telefónica team, they will lay the bases and will work on the construction of the business idea.

Incubazul is a project that was born thanks to the support of the European Union that co-finances it, through the INCYDE Foundation, 80% by the ERDF within the 2014-2020 Multi-regional Operational Program within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs , Thematic Objective 3 Improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3 Promoting the entrepreneurial spirit, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.

The State delegate in the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz, Fran González, has shown himself to be very satisfied with the response obtained in this second entry BACHT, which shows that the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz with its Incubazul incubator "has already opened a gap in the panorama of entrepreneurship, innovation and the blue economy, as evidenced by this high number of projects that want to be with us in the program”.


Next incubation periods

After these first two incubation periods (BATCH), two other windows will open for projects to arrive at the incubator. Thus, the third BATCH will conclude in January 2023, for requests from October to December, and the fourth and last one will close in May for requests from February to April. Among the services provided by the high-tech incubator, the incubation spaces stand out, with physical accommodation at the Incubazul headquarters, or remotely, in individual or shared offices (coworking), meeting and training rooms. Also a complete training and mentoring program, by Telefónica and support for internationalization. And on the other hand a networking program, advice on access to funding and support to facilitate research.

Initiatives interested in being incubated in Incubazul can access the information on Telefónica's Open Future enabled platform through the website and on the Incubazul website itself, whose address is

With Incubazul, the Cadiz Free Trade Zone implements a project that aims to be a benchmark in the Blue Economy throughout Spain and in which circumstances are conducive to attracting and promoting talent and ideas with the oceans and seas as the main focus.

This High Technology Incubator project for the promotion and encouragement of innovation and technology transfer to micro-SMEs in the Blue Economy sector In Andalucia “[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE – INCUBAZULthrough the INCYDE Foundation, It is financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund within the Pluriregional Operational Program from Spain FEATHER 2014-2020 AFTER. “A way of making Europe” within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3ª Fostering entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.