Zona Franca and INCYDE close their training programs in the Maritime and Biotechnology Sector

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Both entities have collaborated in the implementation of two free programs intended for those under 30 years of age registered in the Youth Guarantee

The State delegate in the Consortium, Fran González, the president of the Cadiz Chamber of Commerce, Angel Juan Pascual, and the Deputy Director General of the Incyde Foundation, José María Párraga, presided over the award ceremony for the 32 participants

The objective of this training activity is to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment and provide the Cadiz business fabric with high qualifications to develop it in initiatives such as the technological incubator of the Zona Franca, Incubazul

The Cádiz Free Trade Zone and the INCYDE Foundation of the Chambers of Commerce, accompanied by the Cádiz Chamber of Commerce, have closed today in the auditorium of the Heracles building the two training programs for entrepreneurship – the first of them for the Maritime Sector and the second on Biotechnology- which they launched at the beginning of the year and which brought together 32 participants in Cádiz.

In this way, both entities have resumed in this financial year 2022 their collaboration in the development of highly qualified training plans, which is added to the synergies and other joint actions between both entities, which collaborate in the development of the Technological Incubator project of Blue Economy, Incubazul.

The first of the programs has been the Creation and Consolidation of Maritime Technology-Based Companies, whose objective has been to support and formalize the development of businesses linked to the thriving Blue Economy, as well as to improve the training and employability of people related with the maritime field, emphasizing ICTs and their practical application.

The second training action has been focused on the biotechnological field, which has a great cross-cutting nature and is increasingly being applied in different sectors and business applications. Thus, the participants have been able to identify business opportunities for biotechnology companies, providing a new transversal vision at a time full of opportunities that have their direct application in sectors ranging from industry, to medicine, agriculture, environmental care and the marine sector.

The State delegate in the Cadiz Free Trade Zone, Fran González; the deputy director general of INCYDE, José María Párraga, online; and the president of the Cadiz Chamber of Commerce, Ángel Juan Pascual, have presided over the closing ceremony of both entrepreneurship programs, which has had a large representation of the 32 participants who have also been awarded a diploma accreditation.

It should be noted that both programmes, both the Maritime Sector and the Biotechnological Sector, delve into two sectors that are increasingly present in the current business scene and with prospects of maintaining a positive and progressive evolution in the medium and long term. In fact, both sectors are also very present and interrelated, since the transversal nature of biotechnology and the commitment to innovation mean that it is increasingly applied to more areas of business activity in our country.

In this sense, the State delegate in the Free Trade Zone, Fran González, thanked the Chamber of Commerce and the Incyde Foundation for their collaboration, and highlighted that "the choice of topics for both courses has been very careful because it is It is essential to train and provide the best tools to the business fabric that is starting its journey; and innovation and entrepreneurship, especially in the sectors covered in the courses, are key in the economic recovery plan of this province and this country and directly affect sectors that affect and matter to all of us”.

The delegate of the Free Zone of Cádiz has encouraged the participants to share and develop their ideas and initiatives and has made them part of “the great tool that we currently have in the Free Zone of Cádiz, the blue economy incubator, Incubazul and the great opportunity of having it, through its business acceleration program, the provision of the space itself and the contribution of mentors specialized in startups.”

Fran González has underlined the close collaboration that the Tax Institution maintains with the Incyde Foundation, which has its greatest exponent precisely in the development of the Incubazul technological incubator, within the Cádiz Base Zone project, which is being launched subsidized with European funds in the Framework of the Andalusian ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020, "A way to make Europe" through INCYDE.

The 32 participants in both training actions, all of them under 30 years of age and enrolled in the Youth Guarantee, have learned during these weeks how to identify business opportunities in both sectors and have the knowledge to develop them through a business plan or business, oriented towards a 4.0 concept and digital transformation.

It should be remembered that at the end of last year, the Cádiz Free Trade Zone and the Incyde Foundation already launched two programs within the Employment, Training and Education Operational Program (POEFE) and now both organizations have wanted to promote employment among young people with these new training actions that are part of the Youth Employment Operational Program (POEJ) and that have co-financing from the European Social Fund.

This new collaboration of the Free Zone with the INCYDE Foundation and the Cadiz Chamber of Commerce maintains the line of joint work of continuing to provide more permeable tools to the productive fabric in thriving and employable sectors, so that entrepreneurs identify opportunities for business and can make the leap to the labor market with qualified technology-based training.

This High Technology Incubator project for the promotion and encouragement of innovation and technology transfer to micro-SMEs in the Blue Economy sector In Andalucia “[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE – INCUBAZULthrough the INCYDE Foundation, It is financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund within the Pluriregional Operational Program from Spain FEATHER 2014-2020 AFTER. “A way of making Europe” within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3ª Fostering entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.