Zona Franca begins the actions of dynamization and capture of projects for Incubazul

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Two Open Days are scheduled to be held on March 9 and 14 in the Melkart building and a talk on March 15 by Pedro Alvarez, founder of the Ideologist and Chocolates Pancracio company, in the Heracles building.

An information day will also be held on the afternoon of the 14th at the Puerto Real campus to explain the details of Incubazul to the university community.

The business incubator specialized in the blue economy, co-financed with Feder Funds through the Incyde Foundation, has the support of Telefónica

The first deadline to opt for incubation closes on March 18, although three more will open later, the last one with a deadline of November 18.

The Free Trade Zone of Cádiz begins next week the actions to energize and attract projects and ideas for Incubazul, its blue economy incubator that will be housed in the Base Zone, in the outer polygon of the Free Zone, which has already begun to operate in the indoor venue and the deadline is open for all those who want to be part of the business acceleration program. Zona Franca has the support of Telefónica.
There are four events that will take place in the next two weeks. On March 9 and 14, two Open Days will be held in the morning consisting of various networking with the assigned mentors, open to all those entrepreneurs with a startup or project who are interested in being part of Incubazul and who want to participate in the aforementioned Open Days upon request. In addition, on the 14th an information day will be held in the afternoon on the Puerto Real campus.
Subsequently, on Tuesday, March 15, in the afternoon, specifically starting at 5 p.m., a talk will take place in the assembly hall of the Heracles building, which will be given by Pedro Alvarez, founder of the Cádiz company Idelogue, a study of brand creation and management, and also creator of Chocolates Pancracio, who will present details about his activity and highlight the opportunity of having Incubazul in Cádiz to launch and accelerate blue economy projects/ideas. Those interested can access all the information and requests on the website www.incubazul.es
The Incubazul High Technology Incubator is a project that was born thanks to the support of the European Union, which co-finances it, through the INCYDE Foundation, 80% by the ERDF within the Pluriregional Operational Program 2014-2020 within axis 3: Improve the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3 Promotion of entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, as well through nurseries.
The overall period for receiving applications runs from February 21 to November 18, although it is divided into four phases (BATCH) for the selection of initiatives or projects. The first will close on March 18 and February and March applications will be analyzed; the second BATCH will conclude on June 17 for April, May and June applications; the third BATCH, which will close on September 16, will collect the applications for July, August and September; and the fourth and last will close on November 18 for October and November applications.
Projects interested in entering Incubazul must be linked to the blue economy sector, a field that encompasses subsectors as diverse as marine bioresources, coastal tourism, short and long-distance maritime navigation, recreational navigation and ports, transport services passenger or freight shipping, fishing, aquaculture, coastal protection, offshore wind energy, monitoring and surveillance, blue biotechnology, desalination, marine aquatic products, marine mineral extraction, ocean renewable energy, etc. In addition to being linked to the blue economy, the initiatives and/or business projects of the candidates must be technologically based and innovative.
Those interested in being incubated in Incubazul can access the information on the Open Future enabled platform through the website www.openfuture.org, where they can also fill out the participation form and include the information and documentation that is required or considered of interest. In addition, those interested can obtain information about the project and how to access it on Incubazul's own website whose address is www.incubazul.es.